
(or Expanded Learning Opportunities) is a subsidized childcare option for some families.  To be considered ELO-P you need to qualify for Federal Free and Reduced Lunch based on on LINQ application, be considered an English Language Learner, be considered homeless, or be a foster or at-risk child.  For more information, please review the presentation below:
Enrollment for Tuition-based Preschool through 8th grade for Summer 2025 is NOW OPEN.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are re-locating some of our camps, updated 3/5/2025.
Updated locations are as follows:
Tuition-based preschool: Olinda (no change).
TK/K Camp: Olinda (originally scheduled for Arovista).
School Age Camp(1-6): Laurel (originally at Olinda).
Teen Camp: Brea Junior High (no change).
Speciality Camps: Olinda (no change).
Scroll down for ELO-P information.
Please Note: We are aware of issues with summer camp enrollment. We are using a new system and it is glitching. If you have any issues, complete the form below.  We are actively working on the solution.
Note: Location